Message from the President
The University of Chicago is home to an intellectual community with a distinctive history, built on the ideals of open discourse, rigorous inquiry and analysis, and a diversity of perspectives. This unique environment of constant intellectual challenge has supported free and open investigation and questioning by generations of faculty, students, staff, and visitors.
The work of this University and its faculty spans a broad range of disciplines, and seeks to address the scholarly, scientific, societal, and cultural questions of our time. This work also serves to renew this institution and the values upon which it was established.
This report outlines some of the achievements and progress in selected areas over the past year, and the philanthropic support that helps make such achievements possible. The report also provides an update on the status of our endowment and financial results for the 2017 fiscal year.
As we continue into the new year, I would like to acknowledge the ongoing commitment and dedication of our faculty, students, staff, alumni, parents, and friends. Thank you for your continuing contributions, support, and accomplishments.
Robert J. Zimmer

President Robert J. Zimmer (Photo by Peter Kiar)